You can reveal Form using any element on page (eg. button, link or any media). Just add to HTML of this element special class ncf_trigger_element like this:

<a href="#" class="ncf_trigger_element">Press me</a>

Plugin script will attach opening function to any element with this class if it finds such.

To open specific form

Add along with ncf_trigger_element class additional class ncf_toggle_form_* where asterisk is form number ID.

<a href="#" class="ncf_trigger_element ncf_toggle_form_1">Open form #1</a>

You can find Form ID on options page.

Form ID is on the labels below Tabs

You can specify CSS selector for custom element to toggle form on its options page in WP.

Also you can add class from plugin main script. Let’s for example make all links to open form, add this snippet at the very beginning of ninja-contact-form.min.js:

jQuery(function($) { // on DOM ready

Tip for menus

In WordPress on Appearance/Menus page click Screen Options in upper right corner and choose CSS classes in Show advanced menu properties. Then edit menu item and add ncf_trigger_element class.